Frequently Asked Questions
How to send reports by Whatsapp?

When you prepare a report, in addition to downloading it, you can simultaneously send it by whatsapp to your client by following these steps: 

1) Complete a report

Whether it's a acquisition report, valuation report, market research or property file, activate the Share by Whatsapp button from the configuration pop-up.

Felds will be displayed that you must fill in with: 
  1. Telephone number of the customer
  2. Name
  3. Message text. (Default template included)
  4. Check to save it as a new template
  5. Click on Create report

2) Connect with Whatsapp 

A Whatasapp Web tab will open for you to preview the message. Then the whatsapp application will run. If not, click Continue to chat.

(💡) Remember, it is necessary to have the application installed on your device and if not, you must download it.

When you continue, a new conversation will automatically open with the phone number you have entered and the message ready for you to review. Just send it!

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