Frequently Asked Questions
How to analyze the behaviour and trends of an area

Knowing the detailed and real-time information of an area will help you to offer a more professional service to your customers and solve all their doubts.

1) Define the area to be analysed

Draw on the map the area you are interested in and automatically, on the right side of the screen, a window will appear where you can select the "Market research" module.

To obtain reliable data, avoid mixing areas with different behaviour.

(The maximum size to be analysed is 150 ha).

2) Analyse the most interesting facts

By default, data and metrics are displayed on the behaviour of the sales offer in the chosen area.

You can also analyse this information, for rental purposes, by switching to the "Rental" tab.

Some of the most interesting facts to know are:

  • Monthly evolution of the €/m2 built

One of the main concerns of your clients is the evolution of prices in their area. This is very valuable information that can determine the sales strategy for a property, its starting price, conditions, etc.

  • Proce reductions

Providing your customers with real time data on the percentage of competitors that have already made price adjustments in the area, their quantity, ... is key to go to market with a competitive price.

  • Offer and demand distribution

The level of saturation of the market will also determine the sales strategy and will be very useful information for your clients.

How to know the demand for a type of property, another of the most demanded data by sellers.

  • Time in the market

How long competitors have been on the market or how price affects this timeframe is a crucial piece of information that you can offer to your customers and will differentiate you from the rest..

(💡) Use the information (i) embedded in each graph to understand how to make best use of the data.

3) Generate a PDF with these metrics

Download an extended PDF version of the report from the button below all the graphs. It will also be personalised with your logo and corporate colour.

The configuration options are: 

  1. Title for the report, that will show up in the frontpage

  2. Language (Spanish, English, Catalan...)

  3. Name and surname of the client to whom you are going to deliver it to

  4. Additional report settings to add more relevant sections

  5. Comments that you want to appear on an additional page. You can include any format you prefer.

  6. (Optional 1) Enable WhatsApp sharing option

  7. (Optional 2): Add PDF files as aditional information

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Betterplace  | 2025