In Betterplace you will find, in one place, the largest database of private owners in the market so that you can get more contacts much faster.
1) Select the area you want to search in
From the functionalities bar on the left, select Acquisition-> Search to locate ads by province, municipality, district or census section.

2) Access the list of ads
Once you have chosen the area you want to search in, you will automatically see a list with all the ads.
In Betterplace you can search for all types of properties (homes, business premises, offices, warehouses, garages, land and even buildings) both for sale and for rent. By default, "Homes" of "All announcers" are shown under "For Sale", but you can filter only FSBO

3) Go to the file of the property

3) Obtain the private owner contact details
- Perform various actions on this property:
- Schedule visit tasks in your calendar
- Quickly evaluate in 1 click
- Prepare an acquisition report for the first call
- Save the property as a Favourite to receive notifications of changes
- Download the property file to share with prospective buyers
- Consult the contact details of the advertiser in any of the portals available
- Analyse the history of changes made to the property