Frequently Asked Questions
How can you use the web-appraiser on your website to get leads?
Incorporating the web valuator is very simple and will allow you to collect buyers and sellers leads interested in knowing an initial estimate of the price of a property.

1) Configure your web valuator
From the functionalities bar on the left, select Web Valuator to activate it.

You will see four links to share your appraiser in Spanish, English, Catalan and French. From the button "Actions" choose to generate a QR code, copy a link to spread it through different channels, share it on Facebook or insert it in your website through an Iframe.

2) Get potential leads automatically
Once incorporated, you will automatically start receiving leads from potential clients interested in knowing an estimate of the price of any property.

At the time they request the appraisal, you will receive their contact details along with a copy of the appraisal report they have received.

You have got now his contact information to offer him a more accurate assessment by a professional in order to transform him/her in a client.

3) How to spread it?

1.- Integrate it into the homepage to make the visitor spend more time on your page.

2.- Add a button in your website redirecting any visitor to the valuator.

3.- Post it on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, whatsapp...

4.- Create a QR code, print it and put it in the window of the office so that it is visible to the public and you can attract clients from the street.

5º Use keywords in SEM to appear in the first results of search engines.

4) Download all your new contacts
From the dashboard of your web valorator, you have the possibility to see the number of contacts obtained thanks to the different actions carried out and to download all their information directly in an excel file.

(💡) In addition to the contact data in the excel file you will find the UTMs that you have assigned to your link, in order to control the origin of the contacts.

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Betterplace  | 2025