Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know where your leads come from?
Just as important as getting leads from potential customers is knowing where those leads are coming from. Adding different UTMs to your web scoreboard will allow you to know which advertising media are performing best so you can focus your efforts on them.
1) Add the UTMs to your web valuator link
Go to the web browser tool and click on the button "Actions --> Copy link".

Then use the free Google tool to set up the UMTs for your campaigns:
The following pane will appearl:

From here, follow these steps:
- Paste the URL of your web browser, which you have previously copied and fill in the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*)
- Campaigns Source --> Indicate the source where you are going to publish the URL (QR, Facebook, Instagram, Web...)
- Campaign Medium --> Indicate within the source, where or how you have placed the URL (botón, banner, imagen, etc...)
- Campaign Name --> Indicate the name you have given to this advertising campaign to distinguish the result from others.
- (Optional) --> Fill in additional fields for extra information
2) Share your new link
After these fields a box will appear with your new URL created and with the UTMs added. Simply copy it by clicking on the icon just to the right of it and publish it as normal.

This way you can create from the same URL different UTMs to differentiate if the contact has arrived using the link you have put on your website, on your Facebook wall, in an advertising campaign on Instagram, through the QR... or even if it has been shared by one of your agents creating a UTM with their name.
When you receive the email with the lead details, it will now also include additional fields with the UTMs information:

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- Automatically get visitors' contact details on your website