Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change the design of PDF reports?
In order to give more value to your own brand and to be able to give a more trustworthy treatment to your potential clients, at Betterplace we allow you to customise the reports with the following options:
1) Change the front cover
Whenever you prepare any kind of PDF report, before downloading it, you have the option to add a cover page to replace the one generated by default. Just click on the BROWSE FOR FILE in the first box.
Choose a single PDF file from your computer. A small confirmation icon will appear along with a button to the right side to discard it and replace the file with another one.

2) Add additional documents
Similarly, you can add additional PDF documents at the end of the report. this allows you to complement the data provided by Betterplace.
Click on BROWSE FOR FILE and choose the ones you are interested in..
You can upload up to 20 files with a limit of 10mb. Once added you can remove them if you change your mind.

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- Edit your agent details and presentation card to display in reports
- Configure your company details to enhance your brand value