Frequently Asked Questions
How do I organise my acquisitions?

Customised tags are available to mark ads and identify them by their highlights. This way you can organise your acquisition more easily. Some of the examples you can use to create new tags are:

  • By status: Contacted, Not interested, Visited, Acquired...

  • By Potential: High, Medium, Low...

  • By date: March 2022, Winter 2021, week 24....

1) Add a new tag

In the photo for each ad, click on the "Add Tag" part to see the list of available tags and make your choice. Click on + Add tag to create a new tag.

Give it a name, choose a colour and click on Save to make it available from now on.

From all the tags you have created, choose the one you want to assign to this ad by clicking on its name. It will be displayed in the acquisition module at the top of the advert's photo.

(💡) Remember: You can assign a unique label to each property and change it whenever you need to.

2) Customize your tags

Place the mouse over the label you want to modify. A pencil icon will appear at the right of the label to edit it by clicking on it.

In this part you can change the configuration of the label and with the 3 available buttons:
  • Delete the current tag
  • Go back and discard changes
  • Save new changes made

3) Filter by tags

Activate the Filters option and go to the "Tags" field. Apply a filter to consult the properties that contain the tag you indicate. It is possible to make a multiple selection in this field and consult several tags at the same time.

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