For some more complex property valuations, you may not find enough references automatically.

1) Review the property information
Betterplace by default only uses tokens of the same type as what you value. This provides greater accuracy in pricing. However, in some cases you may need to modify:
Type of dwelling --> Valuing attics, studios and duplexes, you may also want to add "flats" for comparison.
Surface--> Betterplace only uses tokens of similar size. When valuing houses and villas, you may need to include the m2 of outbuildings (garages, other floors...) to find more accurate witnesses.
Conservation status --> Change the conservation status to "All" to see more comparables. You can always make adjustments at the end to correct the price.
Type of Land--> You can compare with all types of land in the area.
2) Set up the similar properties search
Increase the surface area range--> Increase the percentage to include more properties with larger surface area.
Increase área --> Increase the radius of the circle. The larger the circle, the more tokens you will collect
- Draw a zone --> Change the circle to a customised area of up to 15,000 hectares. You can even include nearby towns, very useful for rural areas or areas with little real estate movement.

- Correct the filters --> Being too restrictive with the filters may reduce the options too much. Change any of them to "All" and the total number of tokens will increase with each change.