Frequently Asked Questions

How can I see discarded ads?
Deleting an advert from the listing module prevents it from appearing again in future searches. However, the property is archived so that you can consult its information at any time.
1) Access to the list of discarded ads
From the functionality bar on the left, select My Account --> Discarded Offers to view the ads and the total number.
2) Review it
Click on the title to access the ad again on the portal where it was published (Link not available for withdrawn ads).

3) Return it to the list
Clicking on the RECOVER button will remove it from the current list and it will be available again when searching with the acquisition tool. You can also make a multiple choice to RECOVER THE SELECTION
You may also be interested in:
- Identify ads posted by undercover agencies.
- Save time in your searches and delete ads that are not of interest to you.